How to Make Your Python Packages Really Fast with Rust
Goodbye, slow code

Python: To OOP or to FP?
That is the question

Why Every Software Engineer Should Learn SQL
Speed up your programs by properly utilising your database

Simplifying Dagster Codebases with Dagstd
Boilerplate no more.

Run Airbyte Syncs On A Custom Schedule With Crontab And HTTP Requests
Leverage Airbyte’s simple REST API for complex configuration

Parsing QIF Files to Retrieve Financial Data with Python
A Basic Overview of the Quiffen Package and Why It’s So Useful

(Legally) Exploiting Bookmaker Differences for Profit with Selenium and Pandas
Never lose a bet again by leveraging simple maths and web scraping.

Beating Monzo Plus with Python and Pandas
How I used programming to outdo the rising star of British banks